Lose weight!

It's going to be fun!



Saturday, April 2, 2011

What a beautiful morning

I weighed in this morning and I was down .6 lbs. It's not exactly what I wanted to see, but how can I complain about losing more than half a pound over night? So I will take it! My hands are bugging me this morning from the blisters on them from working in my garden. (*Note to self: wear gloves next time.)

Oh well. They aren't big blisters but they are annoying. Anyways today is going to be a great day! I must admit that I am wondering about my meals yesterday and if somthing in them effected my weight change. Or have I just reached the point where I stop drastically losing? (ususally the first week you lose over a lb a day) Which is fine with me.. but I must say I am in a rush to get this weight off. I will be taking pictures of my 2 meals each day starting today. I think it will help me see, and also look back and what I actually consumed and put in my body in 42 days! I have lots of friends on this Hcg journey too. They are all doing amazing. It's so fun to see so much weight loss. It's so awsome to be eating to live not living to eat. I am in control now, which I once wasn't. Food controled me. Not anymore! I feel liberated now. I choose what happens now. I have consequences for my actions now. If I mess up and eat somthing I am not supposed to.. well I answer for that and deal with what comes next. Speaking of that let me just get into who created HCG protocol Dr. Simeon Long ago... here is a link to his original findings on this diet, and everything about it. Of coarse this was many years ago and there has been many tweeks to this. THere are hundreds of Hcg companies out there now with different protocols all stemming from the original text from Dr. Simeons work. Here is a link

(where is my LINK?) I will figure this out.. I will be back with the link.

Of coarse this is the very first protcol made. I use somthing similar but not exactly the same. It truely is just an expirement on your body because everyone is different. We all take to foods differently. I will be back in a little bit, the kids are calling! :)

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