Lose weight!

It's going to be fun!



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Off of drops, on to maintenance...

Here we go.. I say over all.. my cycle this time sucked. I cheated countless times and didn't stick to it like I should. I did lose weight... I am 246 now.. as apposed to 266. So thats good. I am worried about this month and how it's going to go, and even the month after that. This next week I am having gulllbadder surgery. AWESOME right? Yah... so not only am I on maintenance but I am going to be bed ridden for a few weeks not able to workout or anything! I hope this maintenance phase goes well this time around! We will see I guess. I am please how far I have come, but anxious to get to the goal weight. But I need to understand this is a process and will take quite a while and thats ok! I can't let that overwhelm me. I need to feel happy and excited all the way through this journey. I am determined to do this! I CAN DO THIS, I AM DOING THIS! :)